Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish (http://brokeandbookish.blogspot.com/).
Top Ten Favorite Fictional Characters
(in no particular order):
1.) Oskar from Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
2.) Katniss from The Hunger Games
3.) Wes from The Truth About Forever
4.) Scout from To Kill A Mockingbird
5.) Lisbeth from the Millenium Trilogy
6.) Max from The Book Thief
7.) Martin from Her Fearful Symmetry
8.) Aunt Tootie from Saving CeeCee Honeycut
9.) Rosie from Water For Elephants
10.) Gale from The Hunger Games
*I don't have time to write out explainations today...I'll try to remember to come back and edit !
Katniss made my list as well...and are you team Gale? Haha, please say you are, because we are outnumbered I'm afraid. :) Have a great day!
Danielle @ everylastpage.blogspot.com
Yes, I am definitely Team Gale!
Katniss, Scout and Gale stand out to me from your list. They all are memorable!
I'd need to read the other books to become familiar with these characters. Great list!
I only know Katniss, Scout and Gale too but they are definite faves of mine!
I like your layout-- very comfy on the eyes!
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